The Institute for Legal Studies was established in April 1978 as a research institute of Kanagawa University. The purpose of its establishment is “to carry out wide-ranging researches on home and foreign law and politics, to publish their results and thereby to contribute to improvement and development of science”.

The Institute for Legal Studies consists of all of the staff members of the faculty of law as well as the school of law of Kanagawa University. Besides, some teachers of the other universities, including foreign ones, or persons with equal academic career to them join the Institute as research fellows.

In 2004, the Local Government Center and the International Human Rights Center were incorporated to the Institute. The former center is engaged in research of legal problems of municipal administration, and the latter – research of foreigners’ human rights issues and others.


The Institute for Legal Studies promotes two types of joint-researches. One is “project type”, aiming at concentrated research on the specified topic and achievement of concrete results of it during several years, and the other is “scientific exchange type”, the purpose of which is continuously to carry out scientific exchange among scholars with the same interest without fixed term. The Institute holds various symposia and lecture meetings connected with above-mentioned joint-researches or within the framework of activities of both Centers.

Since 2012, the Institute holds once a year a workshop with people from the local community, beginning with municipal officials, lawyers, NPO activists and so on under the general theme “The role of law in the local community in the globalized world”.


The Annual Report of the Institute for Legal Studies of Kanagawa University, launched in 1980 and thereafter issued once a year in Japanese, publishes records on symposia, lectures and seminars organized by the Institute as well as scientific achievements of its staff. The News Letter of the Institute for Legal Studies of Kanagawa University, issued two or three times a year also in Japanese, sends information on the activities of the Institute to the society. Monographs, written by the Institute staff, are published in the framework of Series of Legal Studies of Kanagawa University.

ADACHI Kazushi(安達和志)
Professor; administrative law, educational law, public law
DEGUCHI Hiroaki(出口裕明)
Professor; public administration, administrative law
EGUCHI Takahiro(江口隆裕)
Professor; social security law and policy, social security in France
ENDO Fumihiro(遠藤史啓)
Associate Professor, civil law
HOSODA Koichi(細田孝一)
Professor; economic law, governmental regulation
IKEHATA Tadashi(池端忠司)
Professor; public law, constitutional law, information law
ISHII Risako(石井梨紗子)
Associate Professor; theory of international cooperation, public administration
ISHIKAWA Masami(石川正美)
Professor; civil law
INOUE Masako(井上匡子)
Professor; philosophy of law, history of legal thought, feminist theory

KATO Masaaki(加藤正明)
Professor; criminal law
KATO Ryo(嘉藤亮)
Professor; administrative law, municipal law

KIKUCHI Kazuhiko(菊池和彦)
Associate Professor; bill and check law, commercial law
KINOSHITA Takashi(木下崇)
Associate Professor; commercial law, corporate law
KODA Masaharu(幸田雅治)
Professor; municipal system, local assembly system
KOMURO Yuri(小室百合)
Associate Professor; civil procedure
KONDO Kazuya(近藤和哉)
Professor; criminal law
KUMAMOTO Yoshiyuki(隈元慶幸)
Professor; intellectual property law
KUMON Takayoshi(公文孝佳)
Professor; criminal procedure, criminal law
KURITA Mutsuo(栗田陸雄)
Professor; civil procedure
MARUYAMA Shigeru(丸山茂)
Professor; civil law, basic science of law
MATSUDAIRA Tokujin(松平徳仁)
Associate Professor; public law
MIURA Daisuke(三浦大介)
Professor; administrative law, municipal law, environmental law
MOROSAKA Satoshi(諸坂佐利)
Associate Professor; public law

NAKAMURA Toshihiro(中村壽宏)
Professor; civil procedure, bankruptcy law, legal informatics
NAKAMURA Toshiki(中村俊規)
Professor; civil law
NEMORI Ken(根森健)
Professor; public law
NIHEI Masao(仁平正夫)
Professor; criminal law, civil law
OKOSHI Yoshihisa(大越義久)
Professor; criminal law
OKAWA Chihiro(大川千寿)
Associate Professor; political process theory, japanese politics
OYAMA Yoshiaki(小山吉亮)
Associate Professor ; history of european politics, comparative politics
SAHASHI Ryo(佐橋亮)
Professor; international politics
SAKAI Hironori(酒井弘格)
Associate Professor; western history of political thought, political theory
SAKAMOTO Hiroshi(坂本宏志)
Associate Professor; civil law, social law
SAWADA Hisayo(澤田久代)
Professor; civil law, criminal law
SHIBATA Naoko(柴田直子)
Professor; Anglo-American law, municipal system
SHIMIZU Koichi(清水耕一)
Professor; insurance law, maritime commercial law
SHINOMORI Daisuke(篠森大輔)
Professor; civil law
SHIRATORI Yuji(白取祐司)
Professor; criminal procedure
SUZUKI Yoshihito(鈴木義仁)
Professor; civil law, consumer law
TAGUCHI Tsutomu(田口勉)
Professor; civil law
TOGO Yoshiro(東郷佳朗)
Associate Professor; basic science of law, sociology of law
TSUNODA Mitsutaka(角田光隆)
Professor; civil law, European Union law, children’s law
TSURUFUJI Norimichi(鶴藤倫道)
Professor; civil law
UEDA Masaki(上田正基)
Assistant Professor; criminal law
UEKITA Masato(上北正人)
Associate Professor; civil law
YAMAZAKI Koshi(山崎公士)
Professor; international law, international human rights law
YOSHIDA Hideto(葭田英人)
Professor; corporate law, tax law

Visiting Research Fellows

CHIDA Haruhisa(千田晴久)
ISHIKAWA Takayuki(石川孝之)
KAWASE Hiroshi(川瀬博)
KOBAYASHI Hitoshi(小林仁)
KOTO Toshiki(小藤俊樹)
OHMI Miho(近江美保)
SUZUKI Yutaka(鈴木浩)
YAMAZAKI Keita(山崎慶太)
YOSHIDA Yoko(吉田洋子)

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